Tuesday 14 February 2012

It's in the eyes...

I know that it may sound weird to non-dog-owning people, but to those of us who have them, you learn a lot from the eyes. When Axel came to us his eyes were robotic and shut down, now they're deep pools of contentment. I have enjoyed seeing the changes in his eyes from then to now and it gives us a clue of how he's settling. I also happen to think they're windows to his beautiful soul. 
With your own dog, you're looking for something called 'soft eyes'. The first few pictures demonstrate wide-open, fearful and anxious eyes. The last few show very soft, relaxed eyes. This shows a dog is content and shows no fear, it means your dog is trusting you and the situation and they're ready to bond or have bonded with you. When we started seeing those soft eyes, we knew we were on the way to bonding with him, and our bond is getting stronger! 
Just wanted to share a few pictures to demonstrate this point. 

First day

Haunted in the car
Trying to get to grips with our garden
Hiding away

Settling in

Just 3 days after the above photo, already looking happier
Happy with Dave after 3 days in his space
2 weeks later in the same hiding hole, but not hiding any more

Fully settled and loving life

I have a large framed print of this photo, his eyes are deep pools in this
1 year on. Happy boy
Gorgeous eyes
I could melt in these

Monday 13 February 2012

Snow Fun!

Well, it's been a snowy 2012 so far and we've enjoyed getting out in it. We're lucky in that we have a field at the end of our road which leads to the canal. This is a selection of 2011 and 2012 snow pictures from the fun we've had, enjoy! 

The beautiful scenery where we walk
Keep your dog on a lead near ice - we nearly learnt the hard way when Axel slipped in while doing a poo! 
Liquid eyes
Garden zoomies!
Family snow picture

Games in the snow
"That's it! I've had it, if I lie down and turn away, maybe she'll give up"
The things I do to get a decent picture!
I LOVE this picture, even with the muzzle - kind of wish it wasn't on though ;) 
So, as you can see, we love the snow! I don't like what it does to the roads, but for dog walks it's lovely. It's REALLY hard though to get a decent photograph of any dog on snow, let alone a black dog! You'd think it'd be easier because he's black - you'd be wrong! 

Previous Blog Posts - F.Y.I.

Thought I'd share links to my other blog in which I have talked about Axel a few times - I thought it would be good to have a specific blog just for Axel and his adventures - as well as any dog issues that take my fancy :)